"Children are a gift from the Lord."
-Psalm 127:3

About Me

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I live in small town, Oklahoma, with my wonderful hubby. I am a mother of two grown children, three cats, and a dog. I am a member of the Church of Christ, and I work as the secretary for our church.

My Family

My Family

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Don't Say Bad Words!

Last Sunday, I had a full classroom of kiddos. They were kind of wild and all wanting to talk at the same time. I finally got them settled down to listen to the story.  Our story was about the baptism of Cornelius.  At the part in the story where Peter is on the housetop praying, "L" says, "I like to pray at school, but I'm always afraid someone will laugh at me."  It's a shame that a pre-schooler is already feeling like she shouldn't be praying in school.  I assured her, that she CAN pray at school  or anywhere else she feels like doing it.
Later on during the class, something came up from one of them about listening to rap music and that sometimes it's not nice.  "A" put in her two cents worth of wisdom about that-"If you say bad words, your tongue will fall out."  I about died from trying not to laugh because she was totally serious!  "L" spoke up right quick about that- "That is NOT true!  Whoever told you that was just having a discussion."  Cracked me up!!  She was totally serious too and I'm not sure what she meant about the discussion part but it was still very funny! 
"Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment so that it will give grace to those who hear." - Ephesians 4:29

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